

1839 Uppsatser om Error correction term - Sida 1 av 123

Vad driver de svenska småhuspriserna?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda vilka faktorer som påverkar de svenska småhuspriserna, och i så fall hur och i vilken utsträckning. Med stöd av tidigare studier som enhetlig pekar ut bolåneräntan och disponibel inkomst som de faktorer vilka har tydligast inverkan på fastighetspriserna i Sverige, utökas de förklarande variablerna i denna studie med hjälp av en stock-flow modell. Tidsseriedata från 1993-2013 behandlas för enhetsrötter och kointegration för att skattas i en regressionsanalys i form en "Error Correction Model", med avsikten att utreda både ett kort- och långsiktigt samband. Resultatet bekräftar reporäntan och disponibel inkomst som två viktiga faktorer för att förklara det långsiktiga sambandet med priserna på småhus i Sverige, tillsammans med ytterligare faktorer såsom BNP, hushållens skuldsättning och arbetslösheten. På kort sikt är dels den historiska utvecklingen av huspriserna en nyckelfaktor, men faktorer som disponibel inkomst, ränta, BNP och hushållens skuldsättning är också viktiga krafter för att förklara småhuspriserna.

Löneutvecklingens bestämningsfaktorer i Sverige

The purpose of this essay is to acquire variables that explain and may be used as a base for wage estimation in the private sector in Sweden. The factors that are assumed to have an impact on wage estimation are based on earlier Swedish and international studies. Business survey data, which is based upon monthly questions to firms in various sectors of the Swedish economy posed by the Swedish National Institute of Economic Research, will be analyzed to find out weather they have an impact on Swedish wage settings or not. Tests including business survey data are yet rarely frequent, why this essay will be some kind of a pioneer within the area. To estimate significant factors that influence wage setting in Sweden, three different wage equations have been modeled and tested with a regression model.

Fastighetsaktier och inflation : Kortsiktiga och långsiktiga samband

The purpose of this paper was to examine the inflation hedging capabilities of property shares. A common notion is that property is a good hedge against inflation. Indeed, positive correlations have been found for direct investments and inflation. However, property shares are generally perceived as a perverse inflation hedge. This discrepancy has often been quoted as evidence of property shares divergence from the development of the underlying property market.

Framtagning av korrigeringsfaktorer för enhetstider och kapaciteter : Ett sätt att öka kvalitén på Skanskas normallägen.

Skanska is using work schedules that are specifically designed for employees in the production. These work schedules are called best practice. These are guides containing technical descriptions, design references, capabilities, etc. for work activities. This support function facilitates the work preparation and planning of future work.

The Integration of Swedish and global grain markets : a price transmission analysis of wheat

Increased trade and eased policy restrictions have brought markets closer together. Prices at different locations are much likely to affect each other to a certain extent. Since the adaption of Common Agricultural Policy in 1995 the Swedish wheat market has been exposed to the world market and Swedish farmers are facing new challenges. A broader knowledge about market integration and price transmission will facilitate Swedish farmers, banks and politicians in making rational decisions. Therefore the aim of this research is to explain how global wheat prices are transmitted on Swedish wheat prices.

Något om misstag inom avtalsrätten : särskilt om gränsdragningen mellan förklaringsmisstag och motivvillfarelse

According to Swedish contract law, a mistake in contract can be categorized as either an error concerning the content of the agreement or an error in motive. An error concerning the content of the agreement could be described as a divergence between a party?s intent and his declaration, while an error in motive is a mistake about the reasons why a party would like to agree to the contract. The borderline between these two types of mistakes is based on Savigny?s theories on echt (error in motive) and unecht (error in content) mistakes.

Fördröjning och bortfall av nätverkskorrektioner : osäkerhetskällor för nätverks-RTK

Network RTK is a real-time technique for accurate positioning with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The technology means the use of correction data from a network of GNSS receivers with known positions (reference stations) to reduce the uncertainty in position for the user´s GNSS receiver (rover). However, this requires that the correction data can be transferred seamlessly to the user in real time. Commonly the corrections are transferred via mobile phones. The Swedish National Land Survey operates a nationwide Network RTK service, where users can receive correction data via GSM or mobile Internet (GPRS).

Klimat för felhantering och Etiskt ledarskap : Felhantering i revision: En undersökning av ett tänkbart samband mellan etiskt ledarskap och felhanteringsklimat.

AbstractFor an audit organization, it is important to work toward maintaininga high error climate to handle errors in an efficient and propermanner. This means that it is important for accountants to worktowards high quality of work, reduce and manage errors that mayoccur in their daily work. Therefore, auditors must know how tohandle errors in order to improve efficiency, which can be affected byhow leadership is exercised in the workplace. The error climatemeans being able to act in a manner which will ensure a good jobtowards customers but also within the internal operations.The ethical leadership may thus have an impact on how auditorshandle the error environment both internally and externally. It is veryimportant for customers to have confidence in the business but also tomaintain the order and the general rules of society for accountingfirms.My study aims to show the thinkable relationship between ethicalleadership and the error climate.

Pitch Correction - ett måste? En intervjuundersökning om åsikter kring användning av pitch correction i dagens musikskapande.

Pitch Correction - is it a must? An interview inquiry about opinions concerning pitch correction in music making today. This work intends to find out what music producers, singers and those with a great interest in music really think about the use of pitch correction programs, both in the studio and live. The thoughts concerning this came when I began to work with these programs in a studio, mostly for vocal use. I realized that the thoughts and opinions about the use of pitch correction varies a lot.

Korrektion och imitation som mätverktyg för diagnos av PT-nivå : Kan man korrigera eller imitera en grammatisk struktur som man inte kan producera i fri skriftlig produktion?

The purpose of this study was to examine whether a L2 learner could correct or imitate structures of the language that they could not produce in written production defined by processability theori levels.The Informants had Arabic as their mother tongue. The study showed that the ability of correction developed slower than the capacity for imitation and the ability to written production. The ability of the correction developed by the duration of the stay. The result was a confirmation of theory formation in processability theory. Corrective elicitering could be developed into a useful diagnostic tool in the classroom and thus provide an education that followed a natural learning order according to processability theory by Pienemann.Keywords: processability theori, imitation, correction, written production.

Prissättning på den Svenska Taximarknaden

This thesis uses ten years of data to examine the underlying drivers behind changes in the taxi price, specifically we look at the relationship between the taxi price and changes in the underlying costs. We use a two-step error correction framework to investigate how changes in costs affect prices in the long run as well as in the short run. We also study if the price adjustment process is asymmetric. Furthermore, we examine if price discrimination exists on the taxi market in Stockholm. We find that in the long run the pass-through effect is almost complete, whereas in the short run prices are considerably less sensitive to cost changes.

Ternära koder för variabelt felskydd

Ternary codes for unequal error protection is a part of a communication system where different parts of the information to be transmitted can receive different amount of error protection. There are a lot of applications where the channel conditions fluctuate so that reliable or acceptable communication can not be guaranteed. Regardless whether the fluctuations of the channel are intentional or not the idea is to let the coderate decrease so that the error correcting capability can increase for the part of the information to be more protected. By using the support, the nonzero positions of the ternary code, a new binary code can be extracted with properties different from the ternary code in the sense of cardinality and minimum Hamming distance. When the channel conditions are good the receiver decodes the message using ternary decisions and receives all information included in the codeword.

Terrorism genom tiderna : En begreppshistorisk analys av terrorism

The following is an assignment about the use of the word terrorism throughout history. This assignment contains a conceptual historical analysis of the term terrorism. The aim of this assignment is the following: To discern, through a conceptual historical analysis, how the term terrorism has been used and how the meanings of the term terrorism has changed in time.To provide an answer to this thesis is the assignment tries to answer the following questions:1) How can conceptual historical analysis be applied to the term terrorism?2) How can the term terrorism be defined?3) How has the term terrorism been used throughout history, with specific focus on the academic world and even some contemporary texts?4) Is it possible to point out some clear changes in the use of the term from the moment of its first use until current time?5) Which meanings has the term terrorism received and how are these meanings associated with the term terrorism?The assignment initially highlights different theories on conceptual historical research as well as links these theories to the actual term terrorism. After this some difficulties with defining terrorism as a term are pointed out and the impact this has on research within the field of terrorism.

Nationella prov i årskurs 5 : En studie om hur lärare påverkas av proven i sin planering

National tests has been carried out in fifth grade since 1996. Spring 2011 is the first year since the start, when it is no longer mandatory for Swedish schools to carry out the tests in fifth grade. Instead the tests will be moved to sixth grade, starting in spring 2012. This thesis investigates what effects the national tests has got on the teachers planning, but also what attitude the educators have to the tests. To solve the subject, teachers that are active in fifth grade and have recently carried out nationel tests in their class, were interviewed.

Internprissättning av patent och FoU : samt bevisningsfrågor till följd av dokumentationskravet

As the globalization progresses, the matters of transfer pricing have become essential to multinational enterprises and tax administrations. For states it is important that the transfer pricing is correct to defend their tax base. Incorrect transfer pricing can also have dire effect on the enterprises. They run the risk of both double taxation and tax penalties. Some of the most difficult assets to put a transfer price on are intangibles.

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